
‘미지의 세계’ NASA가 공개한 우주 속 신비한 사진 TOP 11 (사진 11장)

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(톱스타뉴스 장영권 기자) 나사의 허블 망원경으로 촬영한 신비한 우주 속 사진들이 공개됐다.
지구로부터 25만 광년이나 떨어진 바람개비 은하의 찬란한 모습부터 원반 모양의 이솜브레 은하, 안테나 은하로 알려진 4,500만 광년의 나선형 은하, 장미 모양의 은하, 푸른 빛이 빛나는 은하, 2억 3천만광년이나 떨어진 거대 블랙홀 모습의 은하까지 신비롭고 경외스럽기까지 한 아름다운 은하 사진들을 만나보자.
This composite image combines multi-wavelength images of the active galaxy M82 from three observatories / NASA,ESA,CXC,JPL-Caltech
This composite image combines multi-wavelength images of the active galaxy M82 from three observatories / NASA,ESA,CXC,JPL-Caltech
Meet an extremely dense galaxy called M60-UCD1 / NASA,ESA,CXC
Meet an extremely dense galaxy called M60-UCD1 / NASA,ESA,CXC
There is a hungry supermassive black hole at the centre of galaxy NHC 1275 / NASA,ESA,STScI
There is a hungry supermassive black hole at the centre of galaxy NHC 1275 / NASA,ESA,STScI
Here is a close-up view of a star-forming region in the Southern Pinwheel galaxy (M83) / NASA,ESA,Hubble
Here is a close-up view of a star-forming region in the Southern Pinwheel galaxy (M83) / NASA,ESA,Hubble
This dwarf galaxy, I Zwicky 18, is much smaller than our own Milky Way / NASA,ESA,STSI
This dwarf galaxy, I Zwicky 18, is much smaller than our own Milky Way / NASA,ESA,STSI
Large amounts of gas from this galaxy (M106) are thought to be falling into a supermassive black hole at its centre / NASA,ESA,Hubble
Large amounts of gas from this galaxy (M106) are thought to be falling into a supermassive black hole at its centre / NASA,ESA,Hubble
Two galaxies collide into the shape of a rose, its light reaching us from 200 million light years away / NASA,ESA,Hubble
Two galaxies collide into the shape of a rose, its light reaching us from 200 million light years away / NASA,ESA,Hubble
This lonely spiral galaxy (NGC 6503) is at the edge of an extremely large empty patch of space referred to as "the local void" and is about 18 million light years from us / NASA,ESA,Hubble
This lonely spiral galaxy (NGC 6503) is at the edge of an extremely large empty patch of space referred to as "the local void" and is about 18 million light years from us / NASA,ESA,Hubble
These two spiral galaxies, known as the Antennae galaxies, were once separate but are slowly being pulled together by gravity / NASA,ESA,Hubble Heritage,STScI,AURA
These two spiral galaxies, known as the Antennae galaxies, were once separate but are slowly being pulled together by gravity / NASA,ESA,Hubble Heritage,STScI,AURA
A little bit further away at 28 million light years from us, this is the Sombrero galaxy (M104) / NASA,Hubble Heritage,STScI,AURA
A little bit further away at 28 million light years from us, this is the Sombrero galaxy (M104) / NASA,Hubble Heritage,STScI,AURA
Meet the Pinwheel galaxy, also called Messier 101 / NASA,ESA,STScI
Meet the Pinwheel galaxy, also called Messier 101 / NASA,ESA,STScI

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